8S3 – Period 2: Tuesday 24th March

Your lesson instructions can now be found in Firefly: https://shrewsburyhigh.fireflycloud.net/ict-and-computing/ks3/year-8

8S3 – Period 2: Tuesday 17th March

Starter: Triangles

Activity 1 – Firefly

After the demonstration, log in to firefly and explore.

Activity 2 – Logo Evidence

I would like you to create a word document that contains the following;

  1. a screenshot of your pattern that you created last lesson
  2. a screenshot (or copy and paste) of your procedures (square, pattern) that you used to create your pattern

Save your word document and then upload it to firefly

Activity 3 – extension

Can you use scratch or logo to create the triangle pattern we looked at in the starter? Who can write the most efficient program to do this? You can work in pairs if you would like to.

Some useful logo commands;

  • setpos [0 0] – this positions the turtle on the page where [0 0] are the [x y] coordinates
  • PU – pen up
  • PD – pen down

8S3 – Period 2: Tuesday 10th March


Your challenge is to write a program that creates an artwork based on drawing and positioning shapes found in Celtic or Islamic art.

Step 1 – Design

Create a rough sketch of your design on the grid in your handouts.

  • Basic – create a repeating pattern using a square
  • Better – create a repeating pattern using a square procedure (just type square to draw)
  • Even better – create a repeating pattern using another shape procedure and create a procedure for your pattern (just type pattern to draw)
  • Out of sight – create a repeating pattern using more than one shape procedure and create a procedure for your pattern

Step 2 – Algorithm

Find a partner and take turns writing an algorithm in the space under the grid for your pattern. One person writes while the other one checks and then you swap.

Step 3 – Use logo to draw your pattern

Have a go at using logo to create your pattern. Try to write and save procedures if you can.

Step 4 – Evidence

Take screenshots of all the code you have used as well as the finished pattern and paste these into a word document. Make sure your name and form is in the header or footer and then print the document out.

Step 5 – Feedback

Use the green sheets and 2 stars and a wish to comment on each other’s work.

8S3 – Period 2: Tuesday 3rd March


Please have a go at any of the activities on the page below – some are harder than others!

Can anyone complete any of the levels?



Different types of puzzles. It starts off quite easy and then gets harder.



8S3 – Period 2: Tuesday 24th February

Starter: Quick Calculations

Drawing shapes – text based programming

After the introduction, have a go at worksheet 3.3B

Index Color Name [R G B] Color
0 black [0 0 0]
1 blue [0 0 255]
2 green [0 255 0]
3 cyan (light blue) [0 255 255]
4 red [255 0 0]
5 magenta (reddish purple) [255 0 255]
6 yellow [255 255 0]
7 white [255 255 255]
8 brown [155 96 59]
9 light brown [197 136 18]
10 dark green [100 162 64]
11 darkish blue [120 187 187]
12 tan [255 149 119]
13 plum (purplish) [144 113 208]
14 orange [255 163 0]
15 gray [183 183 183]


Create a procedure and then use this to create a pattern – experiment!

Designing some artwork

Use worksheet 3.3A to design your artwork. Then write an algorithm and see if you can enter the code to make it work.

8S3 – Period 2: Tuesday 10th February

Activity 1 – Creating your van Doesburg style artwork

Using your design, can you use scratch to write a program which will draw your artwork? Your artwork should be drawn when the green flag is clicked.

Try to create your program by drawing distinct shapes rather than one continuous shape.

Breaking down your program into smaller subroutines

See if you can split your program into its separate shapes. On each shape block put the command “When I receive” and set the message to the name of that shape (Shape1, Shape2 etc.)

You can then create a “When green flag clicked’ block and underneath use the broadcast and wait command to draw each shape in order.

8S3 – Period 2: Tuesday 27th January

Starter: Following others so you can see their work

The scratch homepage has the address: http://scratch.mit.edu/ if you add users/shrcurtt1 to the end of the address you should see my profile.  Change the log in name to some of your classmates and start following them.  If they share their projects you will be able to see their work.

To share a project go to the ‘my stuff’ page and click share next to you project to share it.

Activity 1 – Designing a van Doesburg style artwork

van Doesburg artwork  van Doesburg artwork - basic

Using worksheet 3.2A, design your own van Doesburg style artwork.  You should use at least two different shapes (probably best to stick with squares and rectangles) and at least two different outline colours.

When you have finished your design, list the shapes you have used and then find someone else who has also finished.  Take it in turns to write algorithms for your shapes.  As you write your partner checks what you are doing and vice versa.

Activity 2 – Creating your van Doesburg style artwork

Using your design, can you use scratch to write a program which will draw your artwork?

Try to create your program by drawing distinct shapes rather than one continuous shape.

Breaking down your program into smaller subroutines

See if you can split your program into its separate shapes. On each shape block put the command “When I receive” and set the message to the name of that shape (Shape1, Shape2 etc.)

You can then create a “When green flag clicked’ block and underneath use the broadcast command to draw each shape in order.

8S3 – Period 2: Tuesday 20th January

Starter: Quick Quiz

Activity 1 – Algorithms in a graphical programming language – Scratch

Follow this link to the scratch website: http://scratch.mit.edu/

  1. Click on Join Scratch in the top right hand corner and follow the instructions – use your school network login as your username and your school email address.
  2. Next click on Create at the top of the page
  3. Name your file (untitled at the top) ‘shape algorithm’
  4. Delete the cat sprite (right click) and find the arrow sprite under Things in the sprite library
  5. Find the shrink icon at the top and make the arrow a bit smaller

Now watch this tutorial to help you create shapes in Scratch – watch a bit and do a bit. There is also a paper guide if you would prefer.


Activity 2 – Designing a van Doesburg style artwork

van Doesburg artwork  van Doesburg artwork - basic

Using worksheet 3.2A, design your own van Doesburg style artwork.  You should use at least two different shapes (probably best to stick with squares and rectangles) and at least two different outline colours.

When you have finished your design, list the shapes you have used and then find someone else who has also finished.  Take it in turns to write algorithms for your shapes.  As you write your partner checks what you are doing and vice versa.

Activity 3 – Creating your van Doesburg style artwork

Using your design, can you use scratch to write a program which will draw your artwork?

Following others so you can see their work

The scratch homepage has the address: http://scratch.mit.edu/ if you add users/shrcurtt1 to the end of the address you should see my profile.  Change the log in name to some of your classmates and start following them.  If they share their projects you will be able to see their work.

To share a project go to the ‘my stuff’ page and click share next to you project to share it.

8S3 – Period 2: Tuesday 13th January

Starter: Please log on to yacapaca and take the test called SHR KS3 Computing – Hodder units 7.1 & 7.2

Activity 1 – Algorithms for your squares

Using the grid with coordinates you started last lesson, write algorithms to draw your 3 different size squares. You will need a few more instructions;

  • Pen Up
  • Set Pen Colour
  • Go to x,y (e.g. Go to 10,15 refers to the x and y coordinates on your grid)
  • Pen Down

Activity 2 – Making your algorithms (instructions) shorter and more efficient using iteration.

Have a go at question 2 on the back of worksheet 3.1C

Extension – Writing algorithms for different shapes

Have a go at worksheet 3.1D

Activity 3 – Algorithms in a graphical programming language – Scratch

Follow this link to the scratch website: http://scratch.mit.edu/

  1. Click on Join Scratch in the top right hand corner and follow the instructions – use your school network login as your username and your school email address.
  2. Next click on Create at the top of the page
  3. Name your file (untitled at the top) ‘shape algorithm’
  4. Delete the cat sprite (right click) and find the arrow sprite under Things in the sprite library
  5. Find the shrink icon at the top and make the arrow a bit smaller

Now watch this tutorial to help you create shapes in Scratch – watch a bit and do a bit. There is also a paper guide if you would prefer.


Following others so you can see their work

The scratch homepage has the address: http://scratch.mit.edu/ if you add users/shrcurtt1 to the end of the address you should see my profile.  Change the log in name to some of your classmates and start following them.  If they share their projects you will be able to see their work.

To share a project go to the ‘my stuff’ page and click share next to you project to share it.

Activity 2 – Designing a van Doesburg style artwork

van Doesburg artwork  van Doesburg artwork - basic

Using worksheet 3.2A, design your own van Doesburg style artwork.  You should use at least two different shapes (probably best to stick with squares and rectangles) and at least two different outline colours.

When you have finished your design, list the shapes you have used and then find someone else who has also finished.  Take it in turns to write algorithms for your shapes.  As you write your partner checks what you are doing and vice versa.

Activity 3 – Creating your van Doesburg style artwork

Using your design, can you use scratch to write a program which will draw your artwork?

Protected: 8S3 – Period 2: Tuesday 6th January

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