8S3 – Period 2: Tuesday 24th February

Starter: Quick Calculations

Drawing shapes – text based programming

After the introduction, have a go at worksheet 3.3B

Index Color Name [R G B] Color
0 black [0 0 0]
1 blue [0 0 255]
2 green [0 255 0]
3 cyan (light blue) [0 255 255]
4 red [255 0 0]
5 magenta (reddish purple) [255 0 255]
6 yellow [255 255 0]
7 white [255 255 255]
8 brown [155 96 59]
9 light brown [197 136 18]
10 dark green [100 162 64]
11 darkish blue [120 187 187]
12 tan [255 149 119]
13 plum (purplish) [144 113 208]
14 orange [255 163 0]
15 gray [183 183 183]


Create a procedure and then use this to create a pattern – experiment!

Designing some artwork

Use worksheet 3.3A to design your artwork. Then write an algorithm and see if you can enter the code to make it work.

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